Walnut Creek Water Conditions – Steelhead Fishing Season September 26, 2017
The other day I was able to get out and check out the fishing conditions at Walnut Creek in Erie Pa. It has been so hot as of late that the creeks are very low and clear. There are fish entering the channel and moving on up. I found several groups of fish holding in different sections of the creek. I filmed from the wall all the way up past the stop sign hole. I did not go up to the Manchester hole but I would guess that there are some fish holding up there as well. There is a new wall at the stop sign hole this year, check it out on the video.
Until we get some rain, the conditions will remain very clear and low. We are receiving cooler temperatures which will help to bring in more fish but the rain is what we really need to raise the water levels and get more fish to move up.
Check out the video below: